Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Health Benefit

“15 Health Benefits of Sacha Inchi Seeds”

Sacha Inchi seeds or nuts also called Inca Nuts (Plukenetia volubilis) are a relatively new nut that comes from South America. They are great for cardiovascular health, wonderful for good looking hair and skin, great weight loss, mood enhancement, plus they lower cholesterol and they are a powerful anti-inflammatory agent… and they taste great!

Where They Grow - They grow in the rainforests of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Suriname… and some call them Peruvian Super Food.

Food Source - Sacha Inchi seeds have been used as a great food source for over 3,000 years. The fruit of the Sachs Inchi tree is not edible but the seeds of the fruit are very tasty and have many health benefits.

Serotonin - Sacha Inchi seeds are a great source of tryptophan a protein which helps the brain to produce more serotonin for a peaceful feeling and for healing insomnia.

Weight Loss - Because Sacha Inchi helps to create more serotonin it also helps to suppress the appetite and lower food cravings.

Lowers Cholesterol and Trigs - Eating Sacha Inchi seeds is a wonderful way to lower cholesterol especially LDL or bad cholesterol and it also helps increase HDL or good cholesterol and lowers triglycerides.

Lowers Blood Pressure - Sacha Inchi seeds lower blood pressure making them great for this modern day and age of high blood pressure.

Eye Health - Sacha Inchi seeds and oils also are great for promoting eye health and preventing macular degeneration.

Skin - Sacha Inchi helps to prevent and slow the aging process of the skin thus preventing dry wrinkled skin.

Lots of Protein - Sacha Inchi seeds contain 9 grams of plant protein per oz which is a very high amount for a plant based food. Thus making Sachs Inchi seeds very important for vegetarians and vegans.

Anti-inflammatory - Sacha Inchi seeds also contain agents that help to decrease inflammation thus help to prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, arthritis, and cancer. And also helps to lower inflammation of the brain which causes fatigue, depression, and memory problems.

Fiber - Sacha Inchi seeds contain 5 grams (20% of our daily needs of fiber) of fiber per oz. Thus helping to provide a good environment for the growth of probiotic bacteria in our gut… thus boosting up our immune system. They contain twice the amount of fiber found in walnuts.

Lots of Omega 3, 6, and 9 Oils - Sacha Inchi contains lots of great Omega 3, 6, and 9 oils thus helping to decrease inflammation and create cardiovascular health. In fact Sacha Inchi seeds contain over 17 times the amount of Omega 3 oil found in salmon. They contain 6 grams of Omega 3 oil per ounce. And Sacha Inchi seeds have 3 times the amount of Omega 3 oil found in walnuts. Sacha Inchi are the all around best in providing lots of Omega 3 oils… better than almost any food.

Lowers Blood Sugar - Sacha Inchi helps to lower blood sugar levels because they contain lots of Omega 3 oils.

Taste - The seeds can be lightly roasted and are crunchy and have a nutty flavor that when lightly salted are wonderful for snacks, for salads… and for cooking.

Flour - The pulp of the seeds can be ground into a very high protein flour that can be used for making bread and other baked goods.

Oil - Sacha Inchi oil is light, nutty, and works just like olive oil for cooking and for salads.

Forms - Raw seeds, roasted seeds, Sacha Inchi oil, healing creams and cosmetics that contain Sacha Inchi oil can all be found.

Finding - If you google “Buy Sacha Inchi Seeds or Oil” lots of places that sell these wonderful seeds will come up. And they can be found on Amazon… plus they can be found at local health food stores.

Sustainable Natural Crop - Sacha Inchi seeds are a natural crop that comes from the rain forests areas of South America. They help to sustain our rain forests and create more oxygen for the planet… and they create income for tribal people in the area.

Try Sacha Inchi Seeds and Oils and help save our planet!

Feel Free to Share - This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to connect with him any time.

Here is a short video bio –

Here is my Google+ address if any of you would like to connect. —–drpaulhaider

Dr. Paul Haider, Master Herbalist, HH, USA, Health and Wellness, Sacha Inchi Seeds, Nuts, Oils, Anti-inflammatory, Sustainable Crop, Oils, Cosmetics, High in Protein, High in Omega Oils, Flower, Nutty, Great Taste, Rainforests, Lowers Blood Sugar, Lowers Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Nervous system health, Fiber, Skin, Hair, Weight Loss, Lowers Cholesterol, Lowers Trigs, tryptophan, insomnia, serotonin, Good Mood Nuts, South America, Help the Rainforests, Promote Oxygen, Help Tribal People.

Sacha Inchi Malaysia

What is Sacha Inchi?

The Sacha Inchi plant, grown in the Amazon rainforest of Peru has been known to the natives for thousands of years according to the evidence provided by the pottery found in their tombs. It is a millenary legacy from ancient civilizations of Peru. The plant is also known as Sacha Peanut, Mountain Peanut or Inca-Peanut. Is a perennial plant with somewhat hairy leaves, in the Euphobiaceace.

Through researches and experiments carried out by various scientists and two of them were Hazen and Stowesand from the Institute of the Food Science at the University of Cornell in USA in 1980, it was established that Sacha Inchi seeds contain high protein (27%) and oil (35% - 60%).

Recently, Sacha Inchi is gaining high international recognition for its taste and health properties. It is the easiest digestible oil compare to others. It was awarded with the gold medal at the international WEO 2004 competition in Paris. Sacha Inchi oil is one of the largest plant sources of the Omega family in fatty acids, which is an essential for human life. It contains Omega 3 (48%), Omega 6 (35%) and Omega 9 (9%). Besides, they are also rich in iodine, Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Nutritional Content of Sacha Inchi

NutrientsInca InchiOliveSoyaMaizePeanutsSunflowerCottonPalm
Total Oils542219
Palmitic Saturated3.851310.711127.51845
Stearic Saturated2.5433.322.25.334
Total Saturated616141314132149
Oleic Mono Unsaturated8.287122.32843.329.318.740
Linoleic Omega 636.81054.55836.857.957.510
Linolenic Omega 348.618.310.
Essential Fatty Acids84.861162.8593657.95810
Total Unsaturated93.68385.18780.187.7276.750

Omega 3 & Omega 6 are two families of essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids derived from linolenic and linoleic acids and cannot in the human body and must be obtained through foods. Omega-3s are used in the formation of cell walls, making them supple and flexible, and improving circulation and oxygen uptake with proper red blood cell flexibility and function. Omega-6s improve diabetic neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS, skin disorders (e.g. psoriasis and eczema), and aid in cancer treatment. Our body requires an ideal balance between Omega 3 & 6 to maintain its correct functioning. Omega Oil offers this ideal balance between Omega 3 & 6.

Benefits of Sacha Inchi
Just as a member of a large family has many roles, essential fats serve many functions in the complex workings of the human body. Taken in the right amounts and ratios, and taken from the right sources, essential fats help establish and maintain health as follows:

1. Increase energy, performance, and stamina. EFAs enhance thermogenesis, help build muscle, prevent muscle break down, and speed recovery from fatigue;

2. Strengthen the immune system. EFAs make hormone-like eicosanoids that regulate immune and inflammatory responses. N-3s have anti-inflammatory effects and can slow autoimmune damage;

3. Lower most risk factors for cardiovascular disease. EFAs (especially n3s) lower abnormally high levels of blood pressure, triglycerides, Lp(a), fibrinogen, tendency to clot formation, and inflammation;

4. Improve brain function: mood, intelligence , behavior, and vision. Our brain is over 60% fat. EFAs are important components of the entire nervous system. They are necessary to make the neurotransmitter serotonin. Depression and other brain diseases show decreased levels of n-3;

5. Aid in weight reduction. EFAs help keep mood and energy up and suppress appetite, thereby aiding in weight loss. More recently, they have been found to block the genes that produce fat in the body (saturated and Trans Fat do not have this same effect) and increase thermogenesis; 

6. Regulate organs and glands. Liver and kidneys, adrenal and thyroid glands, and the production of male and female hormones need EFAs;

7. Speed recovery and healing. EFAs are necessary for cell growth and division. They form all cell membranes and regulate vital cell activity;

8. Support healthy child development. For nervous system development, a growing fetus needs optimum EFAs from the mother's body. Mothers become depleted of EFAs during pregnancy, and need optimal EFA intake for their health and their children's optimum development;

9. Improve digestion. Poorly digested foods tie up the immune system and can cause gut inflammation, leaky gut, and allergies. N-3s improve gut integrity, and decrease inflammation and "leaky gut";

10. Decrease infection. EFAs have anti-fungal, anti-yeast, and anti-microbial properties, helping to protect against infections;
Keep bones stron g. EFAs aid in the transport of minerals that keep bones and teeth strong, helping to prevent osteoporosis;

11. Protect genetic material. EFAs regulate gene expression, and n-3s inhibit tumor growth;

12. Ease PMS. Studies indicate that n-6 (GLA) intake was voted, by women, among the top three most effective PMS treatments. N-3s may be even more effective;

13. Produce beautiful skin, hair, and nails. Some of the first signs of EFA deficiency are dry, flaky skin, dull hair, and brittle nails. N-3s can help skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Also, GLA (n-6 derivative) administration is useful for some patients with atopic eczema.

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